

20 years ago.

20 years ago.

Some dreams, some ilusions...

Follow your dreams told me every body and I feel that is the way. Never imagine the next 20 years after, really was a great adventure and amazing experience.

Why I developed this bolg? I don’t know really; now I have hundreds of readers daily. I never written for others, had no experience, exception a book on topics of my legal profession, but never on life issues.

Maybe all born firts inside our spirit and then go to reallity.

In many years as Reiki Master I have seen, every body, some time had a strong emotional harm. Why do we suffer, perhaps because we can not control the destruction of our dreams and illusions? 

We also have many fears: of our shadows, not to be competitive, the divorce, injustice, poverty, to do something bad, if not valuable to others, to fail and be humiliated, of our power, our pride and so much more. 

Unfortunately you have to pay a price for fear.

I think  dualistic view destroys our present and undermines our destiny. You and me, the wrong concept of the reallity continiuos in the contemporary world confusing humanity only seeks to be happy. We are woven together with rich, poor, educated and ignorant, white and black, but apparently we live separated from each other. Human race is broken.

While our thoughts are based on fear and terror we will live an embarrassment, disharmony, unhappiness and worse war between brothers. Humans live in an era of competition between people, business and nations. It’s like a maze of selfishness. Then if you have dreams, inside this world, is probably in short time you have big deceptions, because someone cheating, robbed, betrayed or you don’t know get your goal.

It says 95% of the people is led and guided by others, are you inside that 95%? Are you comfortable, without essentials questions in your life?

Has sense my dreams or are fabricated for the dominant concience? If your dream matches that of millions of people, do not think it is time to reflect on their authenticity?

There is an instinct of love and death instinct. The instinct to love is one that tends to unite all things. The death instinct is that things tend to get separated. Negative thoughts are then linked to the death instinct, which as we said, is the most pure human being, but is one that makes a mortal. Wrong thoughts are the way the human psyche itself explains the death instinct, the inevitable doom, the inevitable dispersion of life within our cells.

Each one of us are unique, sometimes we feel like a drop in the ocean, but the sea would be less if we are out. Each person must invent his way; and when you discover your identity then you are ready to feel the others, and when sympathize with others, even with your enemies, you’ve become aware  we are All One, differents, as parts of a great game mechanic. You will see the unit is composed of the multiplicity. This is the great moment to review your dreams and create your present with love, respecting the vision of others, will always be different from your perception and desire.

We are a face and eyes in the crowd, there is nothing to fear or hate, or chain or separate. Rejoice exist and belong to All.

Gassho Juan




DMT - Spiritual Molecule.

DMT - Spiritual Molecule.


In 1990, I began the first new human research with psychedelic, or hallucinogenic, drugs in the United States in over 20 years. These studies investigated the effects of N,N-dimethyltryptamine, or DMT, an extremely short-acting and powerful psychedelic. During the project’s five years, I administered approximately 400 doses of DMT to 60 human volunteers. This research took place at the University of New Mexico’s School of Medicine in Albuquerque, where I was tenured Associate Professor of Psychiatry.

I was drawn to DMT because of its presence in all of our bodies. Perhaps excessive DMT production, coming from the mysterious pineal gland, was involved in naturally occurring "psychedelic" states. These might include birth, death and near-death, psychosis, and mystical experiences. Only later, while the study was well under way, did I also begin considering DMT’s role in the "alien abduction" experience.

The DMT project was founded on cutting edge brain science, especially the psychopharmacology of serotonin. However, my own background powerfully affected how we prepared people for, and supervised, their drug sessions. One of these was a decades-long relationship with a Zen Buddhist training monastery.

The Spirit Molecule reviews what we know about psychedelic drugs in general, and DMT in particular. It then traces the DMT research project from its earliest intimations through the maze of committees and review boards to its actual performance.

Our research subjects were healthy volunteers. The studies were not intended to be therapeutic, although all of us believed in the potentially beneficial properties of psychedelic drugs. The project generated a wealth of biological and psychological data, much of which I have already published in the scientific literature. On the other hand, I have written nearly nothing about volunteers’ stories. I hope these many excerpts from over 1000 pages of my bedside notes provide a sense of the remarkable emotional, psychological, and spiritual effects of this chemical.

Problems inside and outside of the research environment led to the end of these studies in 1995. Despite the difficulties we encountered, I am optimistic about the possible benefits of the controlled use of these drugs. Based upon what we learned in the New Mexico research, I offer a wide-ranging vision for DMT’s role in our lives, and conclude by proposing a research agenda and optimal setting for future work with DMT and related drugs.

The late Willis Harman possessed one of the most discerning minds to apply himself to the field of psychedelic research. Willis, earlier in his career, had published the first and only scientific study using psychedelics to enhance the creative process. When I met him 30 years later in 1994, he was president of Institute of Noetic Sciences, an organization founded by the sixth man to walk on the moon, Edgar Mitchell. Mitchell’s mystical experience, stimulated by viewing the Earth on his return home, inspired him to study phenomenon outside the range of traditional science, which nevertheless might yield to a broader application of the scientific method.

During a long walk together along the central California coastal range one day, he said firmly, "At the very least, we must enlarge the discussion about psychedelics." It is in response to his request that I include highly speculative ideas and my own personal motivations for performing this research. This approach will satisfy no-one in every respect. There is intense friction between what we know intellectually or even intuitively, and what we experience with the aid of DMT. As one of our volunteers exclaimed after his first high dose session, "Wow! I never expected that!" Or, as Dogen, a thirteenth century Japanese Buddhist teacher said, "We must always be disturbed by the truth." Enthusiasts of the psychedelic drug culture may dislike the conclusion that DMT has no beneficial effects in and of itself; rather, the context in which people take them is at least as important. Proponents of drug control may condemn what they read as encouragement to take psychedelic drugs and a glorification of the DMT experience. Practitioners and spokespersons of traditional religions may reject the suggestion that spiritual states can be accessed, and mystical information gained, through drugs. Those who have undergone "alien abduction," and their advocates, may interpret as a challenge to the "reality" of their experiences my suggestion that DMT is intimately involved in these events. Opponents and supporters of abortion rights may find fault with my proposal that pineal DMT release at 49 days after conception marks the entrance of the spirit into the fetus.

Brain researchers may object to the suggestion that DMT affects the brain’s ability to receive information, rather than generating those perceptions themselves. They also may dismiss the proposal that DMT can allow our brains to perceive dark matter or parallel universes, realms of existence inhabited by conscious entities.

However, if I did not describe all the ideas behind the DMT studies, and the entire range of our volunteers’ experiences, I would not be telling the entire tale. At best, The Spirit Molecule would have little effect on the scope of discussion about psychedelics; at worst, the book would reduce the field. Nor would I be honest if I did not share my own speculations and theories based upon decades of study, and listening to hundreds of DMT sessions. This is why I did it. This is what happened. This is what I think about it.

It is so important for us to understand consciousness. It is just as important to place psychedelic drugs in general, and DMT in particular, into a personal and cultural matrix where we do the most good, and the least harm. In such a wide open area of inquiry, it is best that we reject no ideas until we actually disprove them. It is in the interest of enlarging the discussion about psychedelic drugs that I’ve written The Spirit Molecule.


Ayahuasca has a lot of this DMT molecule and is ussed in southamerica for chamans to open the concience.

I Festival of Natural and Holistic Healing.

I Festival of Natural and Holistic Healing.

Information in:

1, May 2009.

Who knows?

We can do it...

Long Route to Forgiveness.

The Masters of the nature are in Amazon, we need learn all of their simplicity and love our mother-earth.

Does Satan Exist?

Deepak Chopra in amazing interview.

In this global era is so dificult find people who belive in Satan or God, but that reality isn’t a big argument to refuse the study of this concepts.

70% of Americans believe in Satan, but intellectuals, spirituals and scientists believe it is a myth.
In Perú exist many healers who has deals with Satan to help and heal people, and this systems isn’t exclusive in South America,  maybe in all the world and all cultures exist methods to doing something through Satan.
What’s your opinión about this?
See please this videos (2 of 9 in youtube) and comment this interesting point of view of Deepak Chopra.
Congratulations to all,
Gassho Juan

Reiki in Toronto

Reiki in Toronto

Reiki Workshops. Reiju Reiki.

It is interesting how if one speaks of traditional Reiki in Japan it is that which the URR Gakkai practice and here in the West it is that which most directly came from the alterations Takata was forced to make to have a Japanese spiritual practice accepted at that time.


From various Reiki Shihans around the world I am hearing many have stopped teaching Reiju because it is hard for some to understand spiritual/energy so strong without such training wheels as symbols.  If you having knowledge of right Reiki, will help people to understand no one can "give" Reiju and it is a technique different then being invited into the light. I remember when Arjava was teaching Reiju. It took quite some time for him to explain, through a translator of course, to one student that Reiju is close to the Gakkai Reiju, but not the same and Reiju is not attunement.  He had to repeat several times, always with good spirits and love, that Reiju is not attunement. 

Reiju Reiki is a ritual so important before begin some activity you consider necesary, for example a therapy, classroom, meeting with hard issues, etc.; in my opinión is the difference beteenw the authentic Reiki Gakkai from others. To understand and learn the Gakkai Reiju you need the correct Sensei, a lot of practice and devotion.


And this is the reason because I do not use the term Reiki Master because I have met people calling themselves Reiki Master who actually have little knowledge of the spiritual practice Mikao Usui founded.  They have memorized a few words, symbols and techniques but it stops there.  As you no doubt have heard, some even call him Dr. not knowing it was his brother who studied medicine and him that chose the spiritual path.  And some make up more and more symbols, never trusting in Reiki, the essence of what Mikao Usui taught.  Only three out of over 2,000 students being raised to the level allowing them teach shows it takes that which comes from the place of true knowledge to resonate with universal energy.  I  will continue on my journey following the method which Mikao Usui founded.

Thanks to my students in Toronto and Maine, my graetfully for put my nickname "Gassho Juan", is amazing and I will use all my life.

See you,

Gassho Juan

Ready to Love

Ready to Love

Beautiful Workshop.

Every where in the world you can find lovely people practicing Reiki.

Reiki in Maine

Reiki in Maine

Japanese Reiki Workshop.

This January 17 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Juan de la Piedra, peruvian Reiki Master, writer and investigator of orient healings ways, will be in Kimball Health Center in 333 Lincoln Street, in Saco, Maine.

For me is an interesting oportunity to know new japanese techniques from the roots of Usui Reiki, because usually we know the american version from Hawayo Takata, introducer the system in United Estates.

Juan de la Piedra is not only a Reiki Master, he is recognized researcher who has the great energy to share their knowledge with us; he started over 11 years to investigate the eastern disciplines and has over 7 years teaching and writing with great humility and generosity.

He comes from Toronto, Canada where is conducting workshops and therapies; he will be in Maine on January 15. Those wishing to hold a meeting with him could call 207 590-3884 ask for Marie Laverriere-Boucher. For him will be a pleasure meet with you.

The fee is only USD$50.00.

The Workshop Contents:

1° Salmodeo Gokai and Reiki Reiju
2° Gassho Meditation
3° Joshin Kokiu Ho
4° Hado Kokyu Ho
5° Hikari No Kokyu Ho
6° Practice Deep Gassho Meditation ( 2 while the workshop).
7° The Reiki Simbols, the origin, the right use.
8° Byosen scaning, the Usui technique.
9° Definition of REIKI
10° Several use of the Reiki simbols, protocols, and more.
11° The Manual of Usui for healt: Reiki Ryoho Hikkei

Kimball Health Center is an important social center in Maine to attend the people with several problems.

Sign up now.
Keith Baldih
Reiki Master
New Hampshire